
Follow the Simple HappyBiz Formula® to
Increase Your Happiness Mindset and
Become the Successful Business Owner You Deserve to Be

Regardless of your version of true happiness,
living a more satisfying life is within reach!
A few tweaks to your regular habits can help you get there.

Discover How To Make BIG, Heart Aligned Shifts
In Life, Happiness & Business!

Go from Chaos to Clarity,
to Cash Flow...
and Finally Have a HappyBiz!

Calling all coaches, healers, workshop facilitators, creatives,
change-makers, entrepreneurs, trainers, speakers,
teachers, therapists, artists, leaders & visionaries
(or if you sense a calling to be one!)

Do you think it’s going to take having more money and no debt?

A hugely successful business?

✨ A certain degree or certification?

✨ A perfect hourglass figure?

✨ A better position or career?

✨ Years of therapy?

Is it going to take working hard, staying focused, achieving, buying, and acquiring all the THINGS that will finally make life totally comfortable and endlessly “fun”?


The answer is no.

Because the TRUTH is…

What If You Could Change The Trajectory Of Your ENTIRE Life In Just 8 weeks?

You Don’t  NEED  to Do or Have   All Those Things
In Order to Love Yourself and Your Business!

Let's Talk About the Happiness Mutiplier® Part of our HappyBiz formula®

✨ Most of us harbour a false belief about happiness 

We believe that we need our life circumstances to be perfect or settled in order to be happy.

Sure, we can have moments of happiness, but they don’t last, and we think the reason they don’t last is that we don’t yet have that perfect job, the perfect relationship, the perfect house, the perfect bank account, whatever.

This is a false belief because life circumstances don’t create happiness.

If you’re already happy, you won’t NEED that perfect job or partner. You’ll feel joyful and content regardless of where you’re at or whom you’re with.

But more to the point…

When you’re happy with yourself and life, you’ll attract more of the good things you DO have in life.

In other words, happy people naturally attract more happiness into their lives.


They attract more romance. They’re more likely to get asked out more often, enjoy dating, and be pursued by people who are a “great catch”.

They attract more devotion. They’re more likely to have deeper, more satisfying, committed relationships and marriages that just get better with time.

They attract loyal friendships. They’re more likely to enjoy life-long friendships with people who are there for them through life’s ups and downs.

They attract more opportunities. They’re more likely to have people go out of their way to support them professionally and offer them opportunities, so they’re better able to make full use of their skills and talents and be successful.


Happy people just seem to have a “magic  touch” with almost everything they try.

Happy people just keep getting happier.


Other People are NOT Working Harder Than You!

It’s NOT because they’re working hard at getting the degree, getting the job, getting the partner, getting the house, and getting more and more each year.

It’s because they’re already happy, and they already have everything they need to be happy:

They have themselves. And they LOVE who they are, and they love their life.

That’s why if you want to be truly happy in life…

And love who you are…

And have endless gratitude for your circumstances, no matter what they are…

And love everything about your life, even if it’s not necessarily “perfect”…

Then you need to stop focusing on creating the perfect set of life circumstances first and focus on creating happiness first.

Other programs don't hold all the answers,
nor do they use the Happiness Multiplier®

If you’re still not sure what this means, that’s okay.

Most of us don’t know the secret to be truly happy.

There was a time in my life I didn’t know, either.

And that secret is:

Happiness Is a Skill✨ 
Not a Personality Trait or a Condition.
Creating a Happy Life and Happy Business
is Merely a Matter of Learning Skills... 


What will it take for you to feel truly happy?

To love yourself and love your life?

✨To be unfazed by challenges and set-backs, or disappointment?

✨To not worry about what’s going to happen in your business tomorrow because you trust yourself and know that no matter what, you and your business will be okay?

✨What will it take for you to have a business that delights you, a job that excites you, a home that feels like a sanctuary, and friendships that lift you up and celebrate you?

✨To feel abundant, secure and lucky?

I used to think that happiness was a personality trait or condition.
You were either happy or you weren’t.

And if you weren’t happy, it was because you didn’t do or didn’t have the things that could make you happy.

That’s what I believed.

And it’s why I became one of those people who was always aching to feel happier by pushing for the next thing.

✨ Earlier in my life, I decided that I would work hard to do the things I thought would make me happy.

✨ I would have a great career, great friends, a comfortable home, a knock-out body, and a loving life partner.

✨ The bikini model body part didn’t turn out exactly like I had envisioned,
but I have a healthy body for which I’m very grateful.

✨ As for everything else, I did achieve the rest of the goals.

✨ In every way, I had the “happy life” I’d set out to create.


But guess what? I still wasn’t happy!

I did a lot of research, and this revealed that our permanent default state of happiness and well-being is not determined by circumstances because some of the happiest people in the world actually don’t have a lot of money or fame.

They don’t necessarily have all the creature comforts one would expect to need in order to be happy.

So happiness—true happiness—wasn’t a function of having things, or achieving things.


Happiness wasn’t a personality trait or a condition, either.

Do you know what the happiest people in the world DID have?

Summing up these skills, I created the Happiness Multiplier® for you! 

Joy is a skill that you practice, Business is a skill you practice, and it’s a skills that anyone can learn.

The Happiest and Most Successful People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become ✨Truly Happy

To the world’s happiest people, the state of contentment and joy is a skill that they practice, and it’s a skill that anyone can learn.

When I learned what these skills were, and began to incorporate them into my daily life, I too, became one of those genuinely happy people.

I finally became a joyful person who loves herself and her life, regardless of any external circumstances. I don’t NEED fame, wealth or fortune the way I thought I needed them in order to feel this way. I’m just a genuinely happy person, no matter what.

It’s not that life doesn’t bring me challenges. It does. But now I have a deep sense of inner wellbeing, contentment, and peace that isn’t fazed when the going gets rough. I still love my life, and I’m still happy.

And now I’m so honored and privileged to be able to share all these secrets with you!

Learn the Skills to Truly Love Yourself and Your Life With My New Groundbreaking Program, And Finally Have That Lasting Contentment And Joy You’ve Longed For.


It took me most of my adult life and a lot of hard work to finally acknowledge that I was stuck. I was stuck in the false belief that I needed my circumstances to be a certain way before I could love myself and my life, and be happy.

I ultimately had to acknowledge that what I’d been doing for years to attain lasting happiness wasn’t working.

Many of us also feel that emptiness, that constant longing for something more, and we KNOW that we’re addicted to thinking that the next bigger, better thing will fulfill us.


I also knew that in order to reach the most people, I had to make it as practical and easy to learn as possible.

It had to be inspiring. And it had to be based in science, but also personally vetted by me.


Those were the principles under which I designed and developed HappyBiz.

It’s a step-by-step, but holistic process, which means it will transform your whole self.

     ✨ You’ll learn how to rewire your brain circuits, change your physiology, attain more physical              energy, connect with your authentic self, nurture your relationships and spiritual life,

     ✨ You'll learn to connect to your purpose.

    ✨  You'll learn how to grow your business to be successful

These happiness  practices and habits can be mastered in as little as 10 minutes a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. It only takes a few days to notice a change in your outlook, and after you’re done with the 30 days, you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes in your mood and in your daily life!


Time to break out of the cycle!


This is exactly what knowing the happiness skills can help you do.

They can help you break out of the cycle of longing, striving, and acquiring things for the wrong reasons, and allow you to be genuinely and truly happy, like you’ve arrived.

Like there’s no other place or time you’d rather be than right here, right now. Happiness is at hand.

When I completed my research on the skills and habits of happiness, I couldn’t wait to share what I learned with the world. Everyone who wanted to be happier deserved to learn about this.

The Happy part of HappyBiz puts the highest-value information about happiness habits into bite-size, digestible, delicious nuggets of daily practices, thought-provoking exercises, and fun games that you can do every day over a span of 30 days.

It also includes an electronic version of the accompanying HappyMe Life guidebook, which will help you expand upon and integrate the learnings I reveal in the videos.

It’s a step-by-step, but holistic process, which means it will transform your whole self.

In fact, this program focuses on 7 major areas where other courses on happiness only focus on one or two.

You’ll learn how to rewire your brain circuits, change your physiology, attain more physical energy, connect with your authentic self, nurture your relationships and spiritual life, and connect to your purpose.


These practices and habits can be mastered in as little as 10 minutes a day, sometimes less, sometimes more. It only takes a few days to notice a change in your outlook, and after you’re done with the 30 days, you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes in your mood and in your daily life!

Let's Talk About the
Business Freedom Multiplier®

Part of our HappyBiz formula®

Calling all coaches, healers, workshop facilitators, creatives,
change-makers, entrepreneurs, trainers, speakers,
teachers, therapists, artists, leaders & visionaries
(or if you sense a calling to be one!)

We are living in extraordinary times—and the opportunity to make a difference with your gifts has never been greater. If you’re reading this page, it’s probably because you sense that you have the potential to be truly happy, and have gifts and talents the world needs, and because you want to make the greatest difference you can with your work.
The potential you feel is real—and now you have access to the deep training that is essential to bring forth your highest destiny contribution.

You Deserve to be a
HappyBiz Owner!

Most change-makers feel a deep sense of calling and know they have something valuable to offer, and yet at the same time you might find yourself experiencing a lot of unhappiness or confusion and frustration because you’re not yet making the impact that reflects your full potential.
You may also sense that your business capacities are not where they need to be to be able to take advantage of the opportunities our time in history offers—capacities that would allow you to create things of higher value, reach more people, and generate even more prosperity through your work to bring about the wellbeing and success that will enable you to serve at the highest level…
And you’re not sure how to get there from where you are now.
With almost 20 years of work, research and practice, Jennifer Segerius, MBA, who is one of the most successful transformational teachers and entrepreneurs around—is going to share the specific set of super HappyBiz strategies and deep skills needed, when it comes to making your highest contribution.
You may have taken other workshops and programs where you’ve learned all the nuts and bolts—the how-to’s and formulas for success—and maybe they’ve even helped you get a little closer to attaining the level of mastery you want to reach in your work.
And while these kinds of trainings are important, without activating the deeper happiness level and business understanding, you may never fully realize your evolutionary capacities and reach your full potential.
Jennifer has mastered these deep skills and strategies and has impacted people worldwide as a result. Now she wants to pass these techniques on to you, too, so that you can access the deep creative power to move, ignite and inspire others to greatness!
This program is especially for you if you are a coach, healer, workshop facilitator, creative, change-maker, entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, teacher, therapist, artist, leader, visionary, or if you sense a calling to be any of these!
It’s for you if you know you have a calling and know that you have something valuable to offer.
And it’s absolutely critical for you if you’ve also been experiencing a lot of frustration that your inner powers and capacities are not rising to meet the challenges and opportunities that await you.

Discover the✨Business Freedom Multiplier®✨
Super Strategies & Deep Skills ✨
That Will Give You the Power to 
Ignite Greatness in Your Business,
and✨Impact the World with Your Gifts ✨

We all have a success setting lurking in our minds, leaving many people believing they aren’t good enough or smart enough to run a successful business – aka a happy business, and get paid their worth for sharing their skills and passion.
Discover how to set your triumph thermostat to high and transform your mediocre mindset to a winning mindset and finally become the happy-biz owner you always wanted to be.

The Happiest Version of You Makes
the ✨Best Version of Your Bus


Time To Go from Chaos, to Clarity, to Cash Flow... and FINALLY Have a HappyBiz!

We're going to solve the 3 biggest problems that stop people from growing their businesses:

✨First, let's shift to an abundance business mindset and move from invisible to growing a tribe
✨second problem we'll solve together to take the guess work out of the equation and to move from systems failure to a steady growth
✨The Third and final problem is that if you aren't a pro, sales is really uncomfortable, we need to turn sales into something light with mindful conversions.

We will also look at:
  • ✨How selling online actually works (STOP talking to people who can't afford you)
  • ✨How to close the sale and get them to commit (no more leaving money on the table)
  • ✨How to make more, while working less (aka set up savvy systems)
  • ✨How to scale with ease
  • ✨The secret to getting your clients to reach out to YOU!
Any one of these things can move the needle immediately for your business, and my experience is that ONE of these is going to resonate with you and stand out as the BIG opportunity for you specifically... So, we'll be able to spend more time on that one with you!

Discover How Jennifer Can Help You
Rediscover Your Smile and
Unapologetically Create a Business
That is Truly a ✨HappyBiz✨

Most online business trainings are focused on only one aspect of business.

✨One program focuses on lead generation.
✨Another focuses on webinars, another on online courses.
✨Yet another focuses on social media.
✨And none of them teach you how to integrate your mindset for ultimate success.
They are certainly not designed to build a solid business foundation that addresses all areas of your heart-centred business for multiple six-figure growth.
✨In almost every case, there is no 1-on-1 support or accountability to help you apply what you’re being taught to your unique business and services. 

And in our changing economy, with more and more frustration, stress and low energy, growing a successful online business is no longer an option. It’s a necessity.

Where a Happy Mindset and Practicality Merge 

This is the ONLYonline happiness and business mastery combined program ✨that integrates mindset with proven business strategies that are working today..

Can You Relate to Any of These?

If so, it is likely that …

Sporadic Lead Generation, Drip Marketing
& a Poor Mindsetare Keeping You From
Creating a Successful Business 


  • If you are ready to build a successful business with high-end clients who value your services and are happy to pay you for the value you offer in your premium programs and services. 
  • If you’ve taken other programs and courses but they didn't fit your unique business situation.
  • Of course, cookie-cutter programs don't work for you... You are not a cookie!
  • You may have even invested in high-end masterminds that didn't offer the level of support and accountability you really need, leaving you to fend for yourself.

    The time has come for a program that actually works. 

You Are Here to Share Your Gifts & Talents and Now You Start to Feel that Your Success is So Close



Time To Discover  Explore ✨ Join HappyBiz!

Grow Beyond Your Personal Limits
& Make Breakthroughs
as YouDefine & Realize Your Goals
In Life and in Business!

You’ve built your company from the ground up. You’ve guided an enterprise through a risky transition. You’ve already made a mark, but you’re seeking more: A bigger impact. A stronger foundation. New wisdom. Inspiration.
The Growth programme helps transform the lives of the entrepreneurs who transform the world.

Only € 350 month

The                     Method for Alignment  ✨Adjustment ✨Action

Align with Your Passion

Inspired Action is Aligned Action. You'll be guided to do what's right for you at the soul level. This is about supporting you to live your soul's purpose.

Adjust Your Mindset

Inspired Action is Aligned Action. You'll be guided to do what's right for you at the soul level. This is about supporting you to live your soul's purpose.

Act with Purpose

Irresistible offers are the vehicle to making an impact with your gifts. Whether with a new program, book, or mentorship, we'll lift you up to create with meaning.


We start with Mindset.  We design and instal new beliefs and create an unstoppable mindset. What you think about consistently has a direct impact on your behavior, so, it's important to get this fundamental ingredient right.

At the core of our mission is an unrelenting commitment to help entrepreneurs learn and grow on a personal and professional level. Sessions are built with weekly suggested modules, teaching you the basis of what shall be covered in more depth during the masterclass giving you plenty of time to implement each module. 

With your 12 months subscription, you get access to 4 mini laser coaching sessions.
Additional 1-on-1 Mentorship is available for extra fast results and is designed to help you learn and grow as business owner.
This is an extra optional module available for all participants. 
There is also a private Facebook group enabling more interaction and hosting replays.


What would you give for the ability to tap into a group of fellow business owners who can offer you direction based on their experiences?  Weekly masterminds with personalized hot seats are the cornerstone of Wow Business Now. Learn from each other, join the buddy program, and gain and maintain momentum for your business. 

(Buddy) Match

Twice a month we have "Share Your Wins and Intentions Gratitude and Growth",
where we support each other on an energetic level. This is not a class, just an informal time to get to know each other on a new level over a cup of coffee or a cocktail.
We also implement the 1on1 buddy system for everyone interested, enabling further support and personal connection.

If Business is a Puzzle Right Now,
and You Just Need ✨Clarity and One Voice to Follow✨
Let HappyBiz Accelerate Your Business Success!

  • → Focus in on the weak parts of your current growth plan, so you're completely clear on what to do next...
  • → Brainstorm (and then reality check) your most profitable ideas and opportunities with experienced, successful business owners...
  • → Shake off the bad parts of being an entrepreneur, so you can get busy enjoying the wealth, happiness, and respect you deserve...
  • → Find better resources, tech help, partnerships, and networking possibilities, and...
  • → Quickly implement the most practical, solid, and profit-generating opportunities.
    → Identify the immediate problems causing you pain so we can focus on your core business problems...


Success begins with mindset! Discover how to develop your highest level of success with empowering beliefs that will serve and support you forever.


Convert your expertise into a high-end premium offer and go from working 1-on-1 to one-to-many, spending less time while making more money.

This Is Your Oppertunity To ✨Stand Out! 


Create a strategic plan that positions you as the go-to authority and has those who are interested in what you offer investing in what you offer.

Make the Decision to Join Us NOW, and 
We Will Start to Fix Whatever is Holding You Back!

Unleashing your inner HappyMe starts with getting to the core of what fuels you, empowering you to lead intuitively, and with confidence, courage and clarity.

By aligning with your natural strengths and passions, you bring out the best in yourself, which has a domino effect on those around you, inspiring them to bring out more of their best selves.

This powerful shift within is how we create better people, better teams, better businesses and a better world.


Get From Where You  Are
To Where ✨You Want To Be ✨

The HappyBiz Formula® Framework

When I look at the current market, I see a  hunger, a frustration, a deep knowing I could do more to help small business owners improve their marketing, their profits, and everything frustrating about their business (and all have some fun doing it),
and that is what motivated me to create these HappyBiz! Formula®

→ Once a month we have "Share Your Wins and Intentions Gratitude and Growth" where we support each other on an energetic level.
This is not a class, just an informal time to get to know each other on a new level over a cup of coffee or tea.

→ We also implement the buddy system for everyone interested, enabling further support and personal connection

→ Naturally there is also a private Facebook group for networking and for watching the replays. 

Join a COMMUNITY of  Likeminded Entrepreneurs who are on a mission
to make an impact in the world...
...With access to resources and tools that provide skills and strategies
to grow your soul-centered business.

What  Are You Waiting For?


The Program 


Do you find yourself wishing you had someone to bounce ideas off of or answer your burning questions?
✨ It takes a village to grow a business and feeling like you're part of something larger than you is comforting. 
HappyBiz provides a safe where you get to share your thoughts and concerns with business owners just like you who are cheering you on in your success.
You become more confident when you belong to a community and know that your peers are always there for you....
✨ Enjoy curated discussions on topics and challenges that are TRULY relevant to you and your business right now, with like-minded individuals who are walking a similar path.
✨ Experience the collaborative and creative environment you NEED to take your business where you want it to go.
✨ Receive the tools, techniques, and feedback from those who have been where you’re wanting to go.
✨ Our proven techniques pinpoint what's holding up your profits, ruining your passion, and keeping you and your business from moving confidently to the next level of wealth and happiness.

So apply today, and you can be working with HappyBiz to supercharge your business!
✨We are all on the same path - some are just further along and can share their experience and perspective to guide and teach you along the way to where you want to go.

Life as an Entrepreneur Can Feel Lonely
& Isolated at Times...

Hi! I'm Jennifer Segerius, MBA, an instinctive, creative strategic business growth coach and mindset mentor! Leading entrepreneurs from chaos to clarity to cash flow!

I help established business owners, coaches, thought leaders, and spiritual entrepreneurs worldwide scale to six figures and beyond by integrating Inner the Happiness & Mindset Game, with my proven and very powerful 5M business strategies that are working today in an ever-changing market.

✨This combination of practical, step-by-step business training and intuitive awareness is what sets me apart from others in the field.✨

As an entrepreneur since 2007, I've certainly had my share of success - and frustrations!

Too many times I found myself asking; What's wrong with me?  When so-called tried and true strategies didn't work as I expected. 

Who Am I ?
And WHY Should You Listen to Me?

I finally realized cheap tactics weren't right for me. I took a risk and spent a year working on my
inner me first. This was a challenge, but not impossible, as I has always been very spiritual, having travelled the world traversing sacred places, gained my masters as Reiki Master and developed inner sight.

This full immersion taught me the vitality of mindset matters, and a simple and aligned way to do business, congruent with who I am. It was then I decided to make it my mission to support other people to play full out at the game of life and business.

I could go on about my certifications and qualifications with a BA in business, and MBA in marketing, my many certifications as a digital marketer, mentor, business coach, copywriter, and media strategist...

That's all useful, but what matters most is that I CARE ABOUT YOU - my client. I've learned from experience - what works and what doesn't - and my mission is to impart my wisdom to nurture you and support your success the best way I know how!

Not everyone resonates with who I am, but those who do, who apply the principles and strategies I teach are amazed at how fulfilling and FUN building a successful business can be.

About Jennifer

"Her clients hire her for her larger than life personality,
her instinctive business savvy,
no BS approach,
and of course, her signature trait of
Making Business Fun!"

Discover How Jennifer Can Help You Rediscover Your Strength & Unapologetically Create a Business That Is Truly Amazing!

When you ✨ combine gratitude, happiness and mindfulness ✨you allow this sense of appreciation to become a part of your daily life.

Mindful gratitude brings you to the realization that even during difficult times, there is so much you're blessed with.
Also, it can be easy to take life for granted when our daily lives start to feel more mundane.
However, when you take the time to view your life through the lens of mindfulness gratitude, you begin to appreciate everything in a new way.
You embrace each moment and find the good in those moments instead of worrying about the past or future.
Imagine feeling a deeply rooted happiness and contentment, eager to embrace every new day
Imagine being able to attract high-end clients who are eager to invest with you without complicated launches and hours on sales calls.
Imagine making a big impact AND big money doing what you love. How would your life change?
Imagine having the means to live the life of your dreams... having the time and freedom to travel or spend more time with your kids, take that cruise, contribute to your favorite charities or buy that beautiful home.

Happiness, and Especially Gratitude,  Allow You to Focus on the Beauty Already Present in Your Life! 

Tap into a limitless source of “Happiness” and generate winning ideas and content that resonates with your audience and clients
✨ Exponentially leverage your own unique “genius” so that your contributions are recognized, received and valued by others
Start or expand a business that is aligned with your leadership destiny—and that you can succeed at without becoming a business expert
✨ Craft highly engaging talks, videos, presentations and writing sourced from your unique voice and message
Create winning offers & programs that others are excited to invest their time and money to participate in
✨ Authentically enroll others into your vision and programs with ease and flow

With HappyBiz, You'll Discover the ✨Power ✨to...

"Jennifer was really instrumental with me being able to figure out more of a niche”

Jessica McMath

Founder Sheridan Tree Therapies

"It feels like she helped me inside a rocket and shot me out on to the world market” 

Kim Kjørstad

Coach at Real Men Coaching


"Jennifer has been fabulous to work with I appreciate her candour to help me level up” 

Stacey Idema

Founder Idema Coaching

 Frequently Asked Questions 


4 Reasons   

Why working with me is hands down unlike anything you have ✨EVER seen or tried

‘One size fits all’ - all students start in the same place no matter what


Custom training design to fit your level of experience & expertise


Focus on ONE piece of the puzzle eg launches, webinars or sales conversations - but leaves you high and dry as for the rest.


Dump a ton of content on you that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and then guilty as the content piles up faster than you have time to consume. Information overload, aaaaaaaggggh!


Deliver content weekly or all at once, so you end up either feeling bad that you’re falling behind, or frustrated, because the program isn’t moving fast enough for you.


Detailed training on EVERY piece of the puzzle you need AND connects the dots for you so they come together in a way that makes sense AND money.


I focus on IMPLEMENTATION above INFORMATION. I will keep you clear on what the next milestone is for your online business and keep you focused on that.


I ensure you move at your own pace. As you complete a milestone ie make something happen in your business, not just watch a video, the next milestone opens up to you. 


The Decision You Make in the Next Few Moments Will Be
Truly Life-Altering For You!

Is this the moment when you decide to just keep on doing the same old thing while wishing for a different result, stuck on the same old roller coaster...?

Or are you going to take matters firmly into your own hands and CLAIM the online success you deserve?

Is it time to accept that you need a PLAN, a step-by-step roadmap that meets you where you are and leads you to the online profits that are certainly yours for the taking.

Are you finally going to take a stand, make a change and grow a successful business that’s going to generate you revenue for years to come?

Are you going to partner with a mentor who has already mapped out YOUR  journey and will be in it with you for the long term (unlike the other mentors who disappear after the ‘bootcamp’ is over).

Everything you need is already here, now the only thing that is missing is YOU.

P.S  - Yep, it’s an investment, and I can guarantee that you’re going to waste
a lot more than the cost of this course in expensive mistakes, time wasted
and trial and error. 

Working with me is the smart decision!


Don’t try and go it alone (You'll end up paying the Ignorance Tax)

Ignorance (noun

Lack of knowledge, experience, information or education:

The opposite of wisdom

Not to mention the emotional cost that comes when you put your heart and soul into something that doesn’t work out as you’d hoped. I know from past experience, it’s tough bouncing back from disappointment.


You, and Your Business Vision Are Too Important to Leave to Chance! 

There's only 2 ways to do anything...
Via mentors or mistakes.
The fast way or the slow way.
The easier way or the hard way.
‘Going it alone’ might seem like the easier option in the short term, but the truth is, if you try to figure out everything, you’ll pay the Ignorance Tax.
That’s a very real tax on your time, money and confidence. You end up making expensive mistakes, paying for stuff you can’t use or aren’t ready for.

Don’t try and do it alone, get help!

How Great Would It Be To Finally Say:


All rights reserved @ HappyBiz 2022

Joy is a skill that you practice, Business is a skill you practice, and it’s a skills that anyone can learn.

The Happiest and Most Successful People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become ✨Truly Happy

Joy is a skill that you practice, Business is a skill you practice, and it’s a skills that anyone can learn.

The Happiest and Most Successful People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become ✨Truly Happy

Joy is a skill that you practice, Business is a skill you practice, and it’s a skills that anyone can learn.

The Happiest and Most Successful People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become ✨Truly Happy

Joy is a skill that you practice, Business is a skill you practice, and it’s a skills that anyone can learn.

The Happiest and Most Successful People in the World Have Certain Skills That Anyone Can Learn and Become ✨Truly Happy